[center][h1][color=dodgerblue]Flashover[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center][h2]Hallway ----> Briefing room[/h2][/center] Michael Marley strode through the hallway, checking the watch on his wrist. 9:40. He had plenty of time. With the other hand he started eating at the roll he had snatched from the canteen for breakfast. Down the hallway he heard voices, the distinctive baritone of the scientist, Winston, as well as someone else, with a British accent Michael vaguely recognized. He rounded a corner just in time to see the gorilla walking the other way. While he considered tossing a greeting down the hallways, Michael decided it was best to just get into the meeting room, to avoid being late. The seen he saw when he walked in was not what he expected. There was Robin, the boss, and another kid, someone he didn't know, taunting him. Trying to get him laugh. [color=dodgerblue]"Uh, heya guys, boss. What's up?[/color] Michael smiled, trying to hide his mild surprise at such a comical scene. He crossed the room, and took a seat. He took another bite of his breakfast, and cleared his throat. [color=dodgerblue]"So what exactly...are you two doing?"[/color] Maybe they knew eachother, and this was normal. Mike wasn't about to try and make enemies on the first day, in fact, the new guy seemed to be having fun. Michael finished off his breakfast and checked his watch. 9:43.