Djinn watched the boy, now known as Yugi Moto, react to the events that have already transpired. She could only give a proud smile after she had finished her explanation, and it faded a little when he started asking her all these questions. [i]Of course, he would be confused. I can't expect him to know everything immediately. He's just a young boy right now[/i], the genie-like being thought to herself, as she gazed at him, measuring him with a non-piercing glare to keep the comfortable tension between them. "Correct. I am a Duel Monster, one of the rarest of cards that Industrial Illusions has ever created. Me, my sister Divine Djinn, and that artifact around your neck, have a long past history together", she explained before tilting her head down a little with her eyes closing once again. "You see, Yugi. I was a being of free-will -- back then, anyway. Five-thousand years ago, I was. My sister lived in a world that was parallel to mankind, being a loyal servant to the greatest of kings of royal Egypt. I wasn't born like how my sister was, so during a solar eclipse, one of her leaders used an artifact called the Millennium Puzzle to turn her literal shadow into a fully-fledged entity. But when a evil power swept across us, we were put responsible to guard the seal of our creator, the prison of one of our Pharaohs", Djinn completed her story with a sigh, and she was sitting next to Yugi when it ended. "Do you see now? That puzzle around your neck is my life-source, the device responsible for my birth, and my awakening. My job was bound to guard the one that solved it. And that solver was you", Djinn concluded before standing back up to her full height, but turning her gaze halfway towards him. "There are several evils in this world, Yugi, and I must protect you on my behalf. In the meantime, young possessor, you will be the only individual in this world that can see and hear my presence. I will fight with you in battle, if you will have me", she submissively tilted her head forward once again, as if waiting for his answer.