[hider=Lazarus Zale] [url=http://fontmeme.com/retro-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161115/70e9f73f4c3908924b9ad29e8ef016e7.png[/img][/url] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BAohPwk.jpg[/img] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=00a651]Name:[/color] Lazarus Zale [color=00a651]Gender:[/color] Male [color=39b54a]Age:[/color] 15 [color=39b54a]Personality:[/color] bold, adventurous, some might even say flirtatious as he was somewhat of a ladies man, these are words that describe Lazarus. Lazarus loves exploring in nature, its what occupies most of his free time since a young age. Lazarus can also be bold and like challenging others authority as well making him somewhat of a rebel at times. He is a Ladies man and enjoys hitting on girls he finds attractive a lot. Those close to Lazarus know that he is very passionate and ambitious, he is a big dreamer and when he takes a bold action he has reason. Lazarus wishes to protect the lives of those around him and that is why he aspires to become a hero. Though he is a great with nature he isn't a bookworm and struggles in school with paying attention and ends up often with him receiving barely passing grades. [color=39b54a]Background:[/color] Lazarus comes from a small family with only one other sibling, his little sister. Lazarus would always go camping in nature with his father since a young age. He learned a lot of basic skills such as fishing, hunting, and learning about the plants and trees that grow in the wild and what they are used for. Lazarus takes after his fathers personality being outdoorsy and quirk but he looks more like his mother. At the age of 10 Lazarus's father died while he was on the job, losing his father was hard on him but since a young age he had always aspired to follow in his foot steps and becoming a super hero like him. Lazarus wants to combat evil forces so that he can protect the lives of those he holds dear to him and to prevent others from experiencing the loss that he had experienced. Ever since he lost his father he has carefully trained his stamina and efficiency of his quirk so that he can use it for hero work in the future. Quirk: [hider=Earth Lord] [b]Type:[/b] Emitter [b]Description:[/b]Lazarus can manipulate the earth around him being able to mold it into what ever he wants. When he uses his quirk over long periods of time his stamina is drained at a fast rate. Currently his Burnout rate is really high and can manage continuous use for only 6 minutes before having to take a long break. Lazarus quirk can be used for both offensive and defensive capabilities making him a good all around and not just at one thing. [/hider] [hider=Talents] [b]Hunter-[/b]Lazarus has gone camping and such with his father and has picked up a lot on hunting, he has a natural talent for it. [b]Herbalist-[/b] Lazarus is good a knowing the types of herbs and their uses as he spends a lot of time in nature. [/hider] [/hider]