[img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/237/9/4/fisheye_placebo__outfit_design_by_yuumei-d6jo2cu.jpg[/img] •Name: Aaron Conway •Age: 17 •Personality: Cool and aloof, Aaron doesn't let anything stress him out. His constant calm attitude makes it easy for him to make friends. He's also unapologetically lazy. His relaxed nature is actually a result of his laziness. He doesn't want to have to bother with a stupid thing like stress, even less than he wants to deal with a stupid thing like work. He's surprisingly smart, he just never applies himself. •Clubs: The Official "Sleeping In Club" •Brief Backstory: He grew up in New York City with his parents. He absolutely loves the city life, though he does wish he could have had a yard growing up. His favorite hobbies are [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/041/1/d/fisheye_placebo__solo_for_the_self_by_yuumei-d4p97yp.jpg]paying his violin[/url] and listening to music. His mother was a musician, and it was her who taught him how to play. His mother is also responsible for his unfortunate relocation to Covenant Academy. *Sigh* She meant well, but this meant that he had to actually put effort into something. What a pain. •Contract(s): Ouroboros Contracted Beings: •Name: Aura •Type: Ouroboros •Personality: Friggin' snake needs to learn to keep her tail to herself. If he didn't know better, he'd peg her for a succubus. She's always wrapping around his body underneath his clothes, for warmth really, but that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable. She's quiet and observant of her surroundings (usually watching from out Aaron's sleeve or pant leg), but that goes out the window whenever she sees something gold. Aura loves gold, and it works better than katnip whenever Aaron wants her to get off him for a while. A gold coin thrown out a window usually keeps her away for a good twenty minutes. She's greedy towards other things with value as well, but she goes crazy for gold in particular. Her infatuation with Aaron makes it an extremely unwise move to harm him. Aaron himself has to avoid doing anything to really upset her for fear of falling victim to her cold fury. •Powers: A thin, near-invisible armor of metal scales covers Aaron's body. The scales are both extremely tough, capable of stopping a bullet fired at point-blank range, and extremely abrasive, shredding through skin faster than an industrial sander. The scales quickly shed after contact and flake off, becoming momentarily visible before disappearing. It has the appearance of golden flower petals falling off of Aaron's body and then twinkling out of existence. By making larger scales, he can make the armor fully visible (it looks like golden snakeskin) and make simple weapons out of the shed scales, which can be controlled for a few seconds as they fall off. The most common scale constructs are a sword, a shield, projectiles, and a hoverboard. The latter is tricky to get used to, since he has to replace the scale he's standing on every few seconds, but it's a lot of fun. •Fusion: Huge golden scales cover Aaron's body completely. In this state he can freely control the scales and is able to move and shape them into many configurations, like wings, a tail, a huge pair of jaws, a chainsaw, etc. When Aura's personality takes over, they take the shape is that of a huge golden cobra, with Aaron crucified on the inside of its hood. •Summon: Aura takes the form of a small serpent, made completely of golden scales. Her eyes are glittering green emeralds, the only part of he that isn't solid gold. She can change her length and size at will by adding or absorbing scales, but she only takes full size with Aaron's permission. At full size, she is over forty feet long and easily capable of swallowing a person whole. Her only real power is being a gigantic metal snake that's a real pain to get rid of once released. Oh, and she turns any nearby metal into gold. She doesn't seem to like the gold she's made as much as natural gold though. At this point, Aaron is sick of seeing gold and is perfectly happy giving the stuff away.