The knight crawled out from under the crab, relatively unscathed, and he took to note what The Light said. They were left with two options, being they could hold out and let the retrieval group get Betty, or they could take down Nefas on their own. Both options were rather risky, and the chance of actual success are rather slim either way. He then overheard the alcoholic speak, and a third idea was popped into his head. [i]"...I promise it'll be worth your while. Bucket's got my special extra-sticky apply-on-weapon napalm..."[/i] Napalm. That was the answer to this predicament. The crusader rushed for where he faintly saw the alcoholic point to, and he found the bucket with the... what the hell was this even? He decided to call it 'slog' for simplicity purposes. He grabbed the bucket and noticed a firework left from the pelvis-eviscerating explosion, unlit and unused. The knight was going to have some fun tonight. LightBro ran over to a big wall of the asylum and sloshed half the bucket of napalm onto the side of it, covering it in a brownish-black coat of 'slog', then went back to the rock where he found the bucket in the first place, and he prepared the firework to be launched at that wall. Once the firework was lit, there was only one thing to do. [color=0072bc]"FOR THE GLORY OF THIS TEAM, WE ARE THE GREATEST!"[/color] The firework was launched, and a large cloud of soot and ash covered the wall, with a heavy earthquake accompanying the scene. Clearly it was enough to blast a goddamn hole directly in it, as the silhouette of an [url=]armless demon[/url] was barely visible beyond it, no doubt shocked by the situation. If Grog were to witness this, he would probably die of pleasure. The knight stood and stared at it for a minute, just amazed at what he did to that wall.