[b]GEORGE ELLINGTON[/b] [color=f7941d]“Mmmmf!”[/color] The muffled exclamation of panic merged seamlessly into the bustling noises of Academy City. Though it would be difficult to register the grunt in such a clamorous environment, there was no denying its source: a lanky, strangely-dressed foreigner making his way through the skies as if he was performing a re-enactment of the Ghibli classic, Howl’s Moving Castle. However, instead of strolling from rooftop to rooftop with the grace of the film’s eponymous character, George Ellington was wildly gyrating his legs, descending at a painfully slow rate. He resembled more a Road Runner cartoon rather than a masterful Miyazaki piece. [color=f7941d]“Gunna be, mmmf—“[/color] he took another swig of his liquid breakfast, [color=f7941d]“--late!”[/color] He had only used his powers for speedy travel two times prior to this moment, the first try resulting in George demolishing a crepe stand and getting reprimanded by a Judgement officer. The second time resulted in the same crepe stand getting trashed. George could never set foot in that part of the shopping district again. He was forbidden from travelling in such a manner for a third time. But desperate times called for desperate measures. Frantically sculling his breakfast smoothie, he navigated the District 12 skyline. Gradually. He had to control his speed if he wanted to avoid more Crepe Incidents. Of course, his velocity control could only account for avoiding broken bones, not other disasters such as the cat’s tail he landed on, the person who George spilled a third of his breakfast on, or the high rise window-cleaner he accidentally dropkicked. Yikes. George made a mental note to find a proper aerial route sometime after school. The numerous high-rise buildings and religious facilities of District 12 provided a convenient path and soon enough, George was able to spy the buildings of Kichijoji Academy. George managed a relatively soft landing in one of the school garden’s bushes, then emerged triumphantly to collect a flyer from Tokikaze. [color=f7941d]“Digging the threads there, Toki!”[/color] George smiled, referring to the teacher’s pinstriped suit. He clicked some finger guns at the hapless instructor before turning to the walking students and directing his next exclamation at no one in particular. [color=f7941d]“Ha! Toldya wet rags I was gunna show up today!”[/color] he hollered with a peppy grin. Most of the students simply ignored him and kept walking.