[Melvus] “Yes, part of what I'd like us to find out by the end of this is how he's been reincarnating himself. Off of the top of my head I'd say that he may be transferring himself into another's body before his own dies.” He let that sink in for any who hadn't faced the necromancer yet. Then he added; “Each time we've encountered the man called Kemmler he has worn a different face and body. I assume that he's not cared for his old one or that he switched with someone else, this given that it takes more effort than is necessary to actually fabricate a body." He ground his staff into the first and grass. "And, no we have no intention of burning London down. It does seem like he needs to be in London. This is aided by the fact that it's the symbolic center of the world.” Most wizards understand that symbolism isn't just symbolism. While London isn't actually the center, because the world’s round, it appears roughly as the center on a world map and so it is symbolically the center. This symbolism gives it a kind of power. Melvus understood this and assumed that everyone present did as well. [Roger] “None taken my friend. Words cannot hurt me while I serve God and his greater purpose.” His accent wasn't very thick. It sounded as though he was born in the US to French parents. As he said the words he glanced upward. “Now, master wizards, how do we plan to get to London? This is your quest, I've been placed here as a humble helper and nothing more.” He said the words as though he'd just finished Sunday service; cheerful and full of delight. [Melvus] “My first thought was the Nevernever. We could open a way into London. The only issue with this is that Kemmler might have guards near the entrances…” he took a moment to think, “we could use a mirror… more dangerous but possible and can get us past whatever defenses he has in place.” While Melvus allowed the others to discuss how they'd get to their destination, he removed his formal robes, revealing his casual clothing underneath. He replaced the formalwear in his bag and fastened his woolen overcoat around himself.