[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjBiZmVmYi5VbTk0ZVNCTmFYUmphR1ZzYkEsLC4w/lemon-tuesday.regular.png[/img] Interactions: [@Apoalo] Riley, [@SmileyJaws] Andreas, [@Midnight Howl] Sarah, [@A Tattooed Girl] Harley [url=http://carolinesmode.com/wp-content/uploads/feber/14/18/205762.jpg]outfit[/url][/center][hr] Roxy resorted to absent-mindedly running her fingers through her hair as her two new neighbors processed her introduction. She could feel the curiosity in their stares, and she loved it. Even better, the girl used a cheesy pickup line on her. Her lips pulled up in an amused smirk, fully taking in the appearance of the girl. Auburn hair and big blue eyes full of laughter, she seemed to be open and carefree and Roxy almost envied her for that. Her eyes drifted to the guy, Andreas he had introduced himself as, and it was her turn to be curious. She had seen his mouth open to talk, but had been distracted by the pickup line. Now she was desperate to know what he was going to say. Instead of downright asking like she normally would, she just let a bubble of laughter escape past her lips. Now that the two had introduced themselves to her, she felt as if the conversation was over - just in time to spot a familiar shock of blue hair nearby. Smirking at her friend's clear disagreement with the seating arrangement, she waggled her fingers at them in a girly wave. And, after a second, she pulled a face and gestured to Sarah and Andreas in very not-so-subtle way. She wasn't being rude, and in fact liked the pair of them a lot, but if they weren't part of the trio then they're irrelevant. Roxy was about to shout something somewhat inappropriate across the class to her friend, but was once again distracted by one of her neighbors. This time, it was Riley, and she turned around to catch what he was saying. [color=aqua]"Ohhh, what are we doing?" [/color]She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at Riley and the guy next to him. Her accent dripped from her words, making her sound like a spoilt British child. Colton, she assumed, her gaze sliding over the unfamiliar guy. Part of her hoped it was one of those jock parties everyone talked about, but the other, more realistic side of her said that then it would only be a bunch of egotistical guys in sports gear drinking and showing off. [i]Even better.[/i]