[Center][h2][b][color=#EC7063]davιna мarιe devereaυх[/color][/b][/h2] [hider=Outfit] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/83/ec/3c/83ec3ce501d54d1f76f751907632ed11.jpg[/img] [/hider] locaтιon: Homeroom ιnтeracтιng wιтн: Dominik [@KaijuBaragon] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] Dominik's response left many questions in Davina's mind, more his tone of voice than the actual response itself. This caused the girl to press her lips into a hard, thin line for a moment before half smiling again before replying back. [b][color=#EC7063]"Oh, no worries. I get it. Not the right kind of 'football' game."[/color][/b] She mentally kicked herself, slightly wincing at how bad the joke was. Davina quickly let out a small nervous laugh and added hastily, [b][color=#EC7063]"I only started going because of some of my friends who like a few guys on the team. I get dragged along more than anything."[/color][/b] [i]'Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Just shut up, already!'[/i] Davina grit her teeth at her thoughts but maintained a cool expression on the outside, not wanting Dominik to think she was upset or disappointed otherwise. It would have been nice to go to the first home game with Dominik at her side, but maybe it was a bit too early to be rushing into this sort of thing. Davina then caught herself thinking of [i]Jackson[/i] and winced slightly at the memories that flowed through her mind, following. Painful, no doubt. With a soft sigh, Davina glanced over at her cousin on the other end of the room and smiled. He seemed to be trying to make friends with the blonde kid and the girl Maria who Davina knew was crushing on him. As far as her version of 'girl code' went, you never outright told any girl's secret crush. I mean, even though most the girls at the school knew, and even some of the guys did, too. Quinten however was still as as oblivious as ever. Considering Dominik wouldn't be going to the game, Davina wondered what he might be doing after school. The many thoughts that crossed her mind forced a blush to rise to her cheeks but she cast it away with a simple thought. [i]'Stop. Just.. stop. Slow your roll, girly.'[/i] Davina then inhaled sharply before mumbling, [b][color=#EC7063]"Well, anyway.. that's alright. I probably won't be going either. Was gonna be more of a 'if-you'll-go-I'll-go' kind of thing."[/color][/b] She gave him a soft, warm smile before standing up and quickly covering her mouth as she yawned gently against her hand. Still tired from not getting enough sleep the night before. With her hand so close to her face, she pulled it back and checked the time on her digital wrist watch. [i]07:37AM.[/i] [b][color=#EC7063]"Almost time to get out of here,[/color][/b] she muttered to herself, looking behind her to check the classroom's clock that sat over the doorway to make sure her watch was in sync with the school's. [hr] [hr] [center][h2][color=#154360][b]qυιnтen rυмanceĸ[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Outfit] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/23900000/Logan-3-logan-lerman-23935823-266-399.jpg[/img] [/hider] locaтιon: Homeroom ιnтeracтιng wιтн: Toby [@Oliver] - Maria [@LostDestiny] - Ex-girlfriend [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] Quinten smiled genuinely at Toby to his responses, nodding in agreement to his question of whether or not any school year was actually [i]smooth[/i]. Suddenly Quinten found himself on the defense, feeling bad for having mentioned the whole brawl scene that nearly went down a couple days prior. [b][color=#154360]"Ey man, it's cool. I wasn't intending it that way. I know it was resolved. Just saying, I wouldn't be one to try underestimating you."[/color][/b] Quinten watched the boy as he fidgeted around and refrained from holding any kind of eye contact. The behavior reminded him a lot of his own mother who acted the same exact way, although hers was justified quite differently than Toby's, he was sure. Quinten's mom has a lazy eye. Not full-blown, but it acts up when she's exhausted, and she tends to be insecure of it. Had been her whole life. Quinn's attention was drawn elsewhere, then, only to be dismissed what seemed like half a second later. His expression shifted into a quite confused one at that point, raising an eyebrow at the girl. He didn't really know how to respond to that, in all honesty. It took Quinten a second to finally let go, [b][color=#154360]"Umm, alright then."[/color][/b] It boggled his mind why this girl, Maria, did this to him almost any time they had an opportunity to talk. He had half a mind to think that the girl hated him. [i]But why say hi to him if she hated him?[/i] Who knows. Not Quinten, that's for sure! He looked back at Toby who'd now been gazing out the window, to which he followed in doing the same thing. It was a nice day outside, from what the sky looked like. The sun was just barely peaked over the building across from them, shining down into their classroom. Almost a blinding light. Quinten turned away and sat facing forwards, then. [b][color=pink]"Oh, by the way. Toby would win simply because Marco wouldn't fight back. Not unless there was good reason. Marco hates violence and stays out of it as much as possible."[/color][/b] It was at that moment that Quinten was a little irritated, but only just. He had been joking, and it was like no one was picking up on the fact. With Maria's dismissiveness and then the following response, Quinten found himself really hating the computer for putting him next to her. Or vice versa, rather. He could deal with being around people he didn't know well because he made friends easy, but to be around Maria who seemed to do nothing but ignore him. Quinten didn't bother dignifying her response with an answer, but just simply nodded his head in response. Not really agreeing nor disagreeing, seeing as how he didn't know Marco all that much. Suddenly his phone went off in his pocket, forcing him to yank it out from his deep jean pockets. The name on the home screen made Quinten frown. [i]It was her.[/i] [quote=Message received from 'Bitch']ιт'ѕ yoυr weeĸend. do yoυ wanт нιм or noт?[/quote] Reading the text alone left a sour taste in Quinten's mouth. [i]Did she even care for [s]their[/s]-... [b]his[/b] son?[/i] He bit down on his teeth hard at that moment, typing out a quick text in response. [quote=Sent from Android]yoυ ĸnow мy anѕwer. мeeт aт тнe υѕυal ѕpoт. ι'll pιcĸ υp нιѕ car ѕeaт ғroм нoмe aғтer ѕcнool and вe on мy way, тнen.[/quote] Something stopped his train of thought at that moment, looking over at Toby who looked to be having an issue breathing. [b][color=#154360]"Hey man, you okay? Need anything?"[/color][/b] Quinten's face was riddled with concern, hoping there was something he could do for the poor kid. It then dawned on him that he might have asthma, or bronchitis..? Quinten looked down at his pants that, had someone who wasn't a [s]dog[/s] animal lover looked at his clothes, they couldn't have seen the black hairs that covered his pants and were slightly speckled over his jacket. [i]'Shit, he's allergic to dogs,'[/i] he thought to himself, looking back at the boy with an apologetic look. [hr] [hr] [center][h2][color=#566573][b]colтon ĸrυger[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Outfit] Dark blue jeans with red converse and football jersey #17 -> [img]https://goldinauctions.com/ItemImages/000005/5408b_lg.jpeg[/img] [/hider] locaтιon: Homeroom ιnтeracтιng wιтн: Riley [@Apoalo] & Roxy [@Filthy Mudblood] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] Colton's mini-anxiety attack blew away the second he was asked if he knew of anything happening that night, to which in fact he did. His smile spread wide, almost a devious one. [b][color=#566573]"Yeah. There's a massive party going down in New Orleans. Not too big of a drive, if y'all wanna come along. I'll drive. I'm going regardless."[/color][/b] Colton looks over at Mrs. Wiley and makes sure she isn't paying any attention to their side of the room, slipping his wallet out from his pocket and flipping the bi-folded leather open to flash an I.D. [b][color=#566573]"Got my bases covered."[/color][/b] He smirked slightly, closing the wallet back up and sliding it back into hiding. Colton glanced over at Harley for a moment, mentally screaming at Riley for having still been friends with her after their break-up but knew it wasn't right of him to want that to end. Harley and Riley had been friends long before Colton and Riley were even considered buddies. Colton looked over at Roxy as she piped into the conversation, raising an eyebrow. [b][color=#566573]"You game?"[/color][/b] [hr] [hr]