[center][color=fdc68a][h2]Zhi-Ya Chen[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] Staying up all night is always a big mistake. But for the great Zhi-Ya Chen, all nighters were nothing at all! All she needed was a good mug of coffee and a table covered in machine parts to keep her going. However, time flies when you're having fun, and making new creations was the definition of fun to this young combat engineer. This time it was a hover board. A [i]custom-made[/i] hover board to be exact. It was similar to the one she made as a teenager, but this time it was unlikely to explode upon activation. By the time she was done crafting the board, she looked at the clock. [b]9:40am[/b]. [color=fdc68a]"Ah.. whoops.."[/color] Zhi-ya hurriedly cleaned herself up, changing into her combat gear. [b]9:43am[/b]. [color=fdc68a]"I got to hurry!"[/color] Zhi-Ya panicked as she activated her hover board, hopping onto it. She opened her door remotely before launching herself down the corridor. She couldn't afford to be late for the mission announcement. Such tardiness back in the Taiwanese military would get her shot.. Not really, but lowered rations felt the same. She sped down the hallways at high speeds, coming close to crashing into multiple people. If anyone else was nearby by, all they'd hear is a profuse amount of apologies in Mandarin and someone shouting. Zhi-Ya overshot the meeting room, crashing into the floor as she attempted to dismount the high speed board. She managed to do a recovery roll, only to get hit by her board as it came hurtling from behind her. [color=fdc68a]"Ow.."[/color] she groaned as she got back onto her feet. Her drone, that was following behind her, made a robotic chuckling noise as it's creator began walking to the room. Zhi-Ya gave the drone a flick in response. The engineer walked into the room, already looking a little tired and beat up. [b]9:44am[/b]. Just in time.. To see the infamous tickle monster attacking his latest victim. All she could do was shake her head before looking at the others who were already here. [color=fdc68a]"Good morning~"[/color] She greeted with a slightly tired smile.