Djinn kept her grateful smile on while she shook his hand up and down, and she did feel quite confident in what their future challenges they may have to face...together. "Hmm", she hummed quietly, confirming the boy's request to call him by his name. "[i]Yugi[/i]", she echoed after him, showing her confirmation of his request. "Of course", she chuckled, nodding her head once. As the boy, now known as Yugi, explained to Djinn who Kaiba was, she wasn't at all surprised. After what she just witnessed downstairs, it all did seem to fit. Djinn made a thinking-frown before crossing her arms once again. "I only asked because the only thing that's bugging me about him was: [i]why[/i] would he want your grandfather's rare card so badly?", she began to wonder.