Name: He calls himself Felix. Gender: Male Age: He looks around 9 or 10. It appears as if he doesn't know his exact age. Characters Favorite Color: [color=steelblue]Steel Blue[/color] Bio: Nobody knows. He refuses to explain anything other than that he's from 'the hospital'. The scars on his arms seem to indicate that he may have been repeatedly abused in the past. Physical Description: Felix is a small boy at 4 feet and five inches, and weighs only about fifty pounds. He's five inches shorter than average for a ten year old boy and almost twenty pounds underweight. He seems pale and emaciated, always having dark shadows under his eyes. His forearms are covered in scars of all sizes, and look like they were inflicted deliberately by someone other than himself. He has medium brown hair that's long, messy and disheveled. His large, hollow-looking brown eyes carry a worried expression at all times. He walks with a bit of a limp and his posture leans slightly to the left, as if his right leg were causing him pain. [hider=Images] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][/url] [/hider] Personality: Felix is remarkably clever for a child. Though he never speaks, he's very eloquent in writing and solves problems astonishingly quickly. He has a strangely cavalier attitude towards violence, death and gore. However, he is very fearful and paranoid about irrational things like the dark, and intense social situations send him into a panic. Though he doesn't trust people easily, he seems willing to help others if he can. Knowledge of Magic: Felix is a superstitious boy and readily believes in magic. And anything else you think is important: -Felix doesn't talk. It's unclear if he can't or just refuses to. He communicates using sign language and writing, and seems to only understand English. -Felix is anemic and hypoglycemic, and tends to faint when tired or too stressed. -He's excellent at drawing, and seems to enjoy making maps -He's very good at riddles, logic puzzles and mind games.