Alessandra willingly took the reigns and gave her a slight nod with no words. She hated how she was then; She was fiery, outspoken, and even cheerful, but Hye Jin and fate had succeeded to break a part of her, and for that she absolutely disliked, even hated, the foreign princess. She inwardly rolled her eyes as Hye Jin hurried to Adrian's side and wrapped her arm around his-- Didn't she know when to give up? Her supposed fiance was even standing right there. Her thoughts were interrupted as her eyes focused on Adam instead of the other royal couple as he took the reigns from her hand. She blinked a few times as he actually spoke to her. She raised an eyebrow slightly as he simply dropped the reigns, but she knew he was right-- It was unlikely for the horses to misbehave, and if they do, it was quite obvious Adrian could get them under control. She giggled slightly, mockingly at his apology and then attempt to 'catch up'. ''[color=97228f]I guess Prince Adrian deals with the responsibilities a little better than you do your majesty, for he hadn't intended to ignore, or neglect, or go as far as offend me, the moment I became known to him with my intentions. I am disappointed in you, Prince Adam. It's great prince Adrian has returned. Power doesn't suit you.[/color]'' She said, with obvious distaste and intentions of 'scolding' the younger prince. She had no intention to walk with him, or to catch up with him. What she said was true, although Prince Adrian was harsher in nature since their first meeting, prince Adam had befriended her and took care of her. Yet the moment he seized power-- He changed 180 degree. She was surprised she had spoken up so truthfully, but she had no intention to lie or compliment the younger prince who she then held dislike to him as well, may not be as horrible as her distaste to Hye Jin, but it was distaste nevertheless.