[@banjoanjo] [u][h1]Aizen[/h1][/u]- Where's your pants? How come is it's in Aizen's hands? Third Person~ Academy City of fools he said, Aunt told Aizen that it's a city full of intelligent, she said. That's when things are wrong in this place, everything wrong with AC is just the tip of the iceberg like how the white stuff felt so good than the red stuff, in case no one knows Aizen likes to light up the mood and create thrills and chills! Bet it's time to reveal thy presence of heaven! [color=fff200]"Bro, I think you lost this."[/color] Aizen rocks some prank with some dude who looked like he lost some presence but then gained it! [i]Is it real or is it fake?[/i] We have yet to find out. Some [u][b]Gaijin[/b][/u] is now flashed upon everyone without pants at all! Again, [i]is it real or is it fake[/i]? [b]Trick or Treat[/b]. Pants is a common word but Aizen's guess would be trousers for a foreigner? Things are about to get haywire as everyone's pants started disappearing! [i]Is it real or is it fake?[/i] From students to teacher. [color=fff200]"Guys, look there's some madman who got your pants! RUN AWAY RUN AWAY A MIGHTY GIANT!"[/color] If the madman were ever real to begin with? Point Blank, there is a Giant or what you call a Titan holding everybody's pants? Is it real or is it not? The actions otherwise says so as it starts stomping and screaming. [i](PC characters are not affected in pants incident except for George) [/i]