A muscle twitched in Adam's jaw. It looked as though there was something he wanted to say. He looked towards his fiance and the crown prince. As soon as they were a little bit more ahead of them, he began speaking. [color=aquamarine]"I'm sorry. I must look like a monster to you now. It was part of Adrian's instructions before he disappeared. That I should stop being so nice to you. He instructed me to allow you full access to the library but not to spend time with you anymore. I suppose that's to ensure your loyalty to him and I see that his plans has worked well,"[/color] he shook his head. [color=aquamarine]"I fear how many people he had managed to fool with his apparent and sudden 'change of attitude and outlook.'"[/color] He looked at Alessandra and looked sincerely apologetic. [color=aquamarine]"I am truly sorry for the way I have treated you. I thought being obedient to his wishes would make him trust me enough to tell me about his plans. But apparently, he hasn't. And I fear father's life might be in danger now that he is back."[/color]