Adam followed after Alessandra despite her obvious dismissal of him. He sighed. [color=aquamarine]"While I did look forward to marrying Hye Jin, for the benefit of the kingdom of course, it is apparent which of us she prefers. And now that Adrian is back, the original promise needs to be fulfilled. I will step aside if she wishes to marry Adrian."[/color] He looked towards the two royals a short distance away from them. [color=aquamarine]"I'm sure she will prove to be a good queen. She seems to get along well with Adrian anyway."[/color] He looked down onto the ground, seemingly uncomfortable. [color=aquamarine]"I, on the other hand, have someone I wished to marry ever since I laid eyes on her. I believe she has no idea of it as she always looked at another. And since I was burdened with an order I thought I needed to follow, she has since looked at me with contempt,"[/color] he cleared his throat and was silent for a few minutes. [color=aquamarine]"I don't intend to rush you into things and it would be best if we got to know each other again. But I hope in time, you will find me suitable to be your husband."[/color]