Alessandra turned in shock to Adam as he started implying what she hoped was not true. 'Burdened with an order.... she has since looked at me with contempt' Her heart tightened. Getting a proposal from a prince? When all she dreamed of was a noble or a lord? She took a sharp breath in as he directly admitted she was the woman he spoke of. She gulped as she felt blood rush to her cheeks, not in flattery, but in confusion and surprise of such an intimate proposal after months of mistreatment. She dropped her gaze of him as she slowly tucked her hair behind her ear. ''[color=97228f]Proposing to a handmaiden, Prince Adam? You know then socially you are-- dead, correct?[/color]'' She asked as she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. ''[color=97228f]I hope you reconsider that proposal carefully.[/color]'' She said, making it clear she was most likely to refuse, but something inside her urged her to just agree-- That was more than she could have ever asked for, maybe then her family would live better, maybe then she would be completely happy. But knowing she only thought of her materialistically, she grew distasteful of her own thoughts as she turned to tie the horses to the tree.