Adam didn't look fazed by her indirect refusal. [color=aquamarine]"I am a Prince, second to the throne. I have a choice on who I will marry. And be it of royal blood or not, the woman I will marry will rise in rank,"[/color] he sighed again. [color=aquamarine]"I've seen how you looked at my brother, how you were so relieved to see him come back. I will not deny that I resent that your affections are not directed towards me. But as I said earlier, I do not intend to rush you. Think about it."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Think about what?"[/color] came Adrian's cool voice. Hye Jin was by the lake, a distance away, a frown on her face. Adam turned around and met his older brother's gaze. [color=aquamarine]"I was merely explaining to Alessandra how the original promise of Hye Jin being married to you should be fulfilled. I have no right nor any desire to anger her family. And I have proposed marriage to her,"[/color] he explained simply. [color=00aeef]"I will not be marrying Hye Jin. If you reject her, I will have her sent back to her Kingdom. Perhaps have one of the barons offer marriage to her. And your marriage to Alessandra, I will not allow it,"[/color] Adrian's voice was cold. [color=aquamarine]"You cannot do that. You have no right to stand in the way of my marriage to Alessandra. You are not the King."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Yet. In time I will be."[/color]