Alessandra's eye twitched at the mention of the woman marrying Adam rising in rank-- He hit her right where it hurt the most, right in her dignity. If he was using the social rank to seduce her into marrying him, he must have thought lower of her than she thought. Yes, she wouldn't deny rising to such a high rank is desirable, but she would never agree to marry out of self-interest. She had clear dreams of how her marriage would be-- Gentle, genuine, abundant. Before she had the time to react, Adrian interrupted the both of them. She felt her cheeks color again, finding herself thinking what Adrian would think of about Adam's proposal to her. Her jaw dropped to the floor as Adam simply told Adrian. She stared between the two in disbelief. The moment Adrian said he wouldn't allow the proposed marriage; Alessandra's cheeks flamed red as she gulped softly. Did he care? Did he not want her married to his brother? Would he allow another man if he just was not his brother? She stared between the two princes as an underlying challenge laid between the two. She breathed in deeply and shook her head. ''[color=97228f]Shall we go, Prince Adrian?[/color]'' She simply offered, avoiding the original topic.