Adrian nodded to Alessandra. But before he turned away, he looked at Adam straight in the eyes, a telltale smile on his lips. [color=00aeef]"Since I'm sure that news of your bethrotal to Hye Jin has already reached her Kingdom, it will be your duty to sort out the situation. Father has already been informed and he had agreed that I will not be marrying any time soon. Mother has also agreed. Hye Jin has also been informed,"[/color] and with that he turned and walked towards his horse, leaving the younger prince staring wide eyed after him. [color=00aeef]"I apologize for putting you in that difficult position,"[/color] Adrian said when they were a distance away from the other two royals. [color=00aeef]"Unless... you wanted to accept Adam's proposal,"[/color] there was a worried tone in his voice even if his face didn't show it.