[@Dirty Pretty Lies][@QueenOfTheBee] You two will hear a response after Silent and I get back from work :) [hr][h3][color=f26522]To Everyone[/color][/h3] [indent]I want to address a couple of things before you get deeper into your C.S. If you already finished your C.S. (Bee, DPL), this message does not correlate to those characters. - Avoid the loner troupe. Our original vision was a closely knitted community. If everyone is a loner, that doesn't seem like a fun time for future shenanigans, now does it? - Avoid being from somewhere else. Going back to our original vision, this is a very small town and we want the majority of the cast members to be here, in Westworth, all their lives. - Avoid going too dark in your backstory. We're all for dark backstories, don't get us wrong, but we want this to be more of a comedy than anything, so we don't want that darkness to drive your characters - if that makes sense. Anywhere else, we'd be like sure, go wild. But imagine this roleplay like American Pie or Not Another Teen Movie... a balance between comedy and drama. Teen shenanigans. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. But this is for now. [/indent]