[center][h2]Mi Alcanta[/h2][/center] [center] Mi smiled back and was happy that there wasn't any hurt feelings between them both, "Nah it wouldn't hurt anyone too badly, I made sure of it" she said trying to reassure Ryu. She hadn't really been to school much in the past week since class started but she was definitely a known person for having this thing around her neck. Mi looked around and a her collar beeped that she was still in the green for energy containment, the girl sighed as she looked around and then back at Ryu with a smile. "I think its like a really large calculator.... or a phone, yeah that feels like the correct terminology" she said with her quite heavy american accent though it was still definitely Japanese. "The director gave me it before the year had started when they were testing us foreign students out" Mi continued and gave a big stretch, "Anyways its nice to meet you Ryu.....Wa-kama-tsu? yes I am Mi Alcanti" she said utterly butchering his name with her awkward pronunciation. "we are in the same class, No?" [@Polaris North][/center]