[h1][color=#008000][center]Landon Jeremy Miland[/center][/color][/h1] [hr] [hr] [center]Location: Homeroom[/center] [center] Interactions: [@LostDestiny] Marco, [@Oliver] Toby[/center] [center][hider=Outfit][url]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=211403023[/url][/hider][/center] [hr] [hr] Landon noticed the flinch and wondered what happened, it was a interesting reaction but he figured that Marco just hadn't been expecting it and was to busy thinking about the night and the game. He didn't think much more of it when that smile that Landon melted at came back and the redhead returned the high-five. [color=#008000]"Oh, that's cool I'll probably be doing the same thing for my brothers if I ever get the Mustang fixed."[/color] He glanced over at the rest of the class, nodding at Bruno and his two receivers and then locking his gaze on Toby who seemed to be having a coughing spell. He glanced back to Marco and couldn't stop the full blown grin that spread over his face when he mentioned swimming. Of all the sports that he played swimming was the one that he never did competitively but it was one of his favorite things to do. It was evidenced by the slimmer swimmers build that he had mixed a bit with the wiriness he was gaining from football workouts. [color=#008000]"Nope, no plans and I'd love to come. Where do you swim at anyway, the Y?"[/color] He realized with a blush that he would get to see the red-head shirtless again and his had to hide his cheeks with a wider smile. [color=#008000]"I'll try not to lose to badly then, how about that?"[/color] He looked back over the class and frowned when he saw Toby have a bit of a fit and trouble breathing. He remembered he had Asthma like he himself had and looked over at Marco. [color=#008000]"Hang on, I'll be right back."[/color] He stood and made his way past Sarah, and Andreas before reaching Toby and kneeling beside him. [color=#008000]"Hey, you having an attack? Forget your inhaler?"[/color] He raised an eyebrow at each question and removed his own inhaler from his pocket and offered it over just in case. He knew how bad even a small attack could feel, like your throat refused to work and you slowly were cut off from Oxygen. He patted Toby's back and got a closer look at his eye, wondering what could have happened. He shot a glance at the students around him. Maria, Marco's sister was directly in front of him and then Hae was to the right. Either one of them probably had their phone and could call for help in case it got worse or the inhaler didn't work. He had a second one in his football locker anyway that was stronger so if he had to go without for a day he figured he'd be fine. [h1][color=#00FFFF][center]Riley Alexander Revels[/center][/color][/h1] [hr] [hr] [center]Location: Home Room[/center] [center] Interactions: [@A Tattooed Girl] Colton, [@Filthy Mudblood] Roxy.[/center] [center][hider=Outfit][url]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=211403781[/url][/hider][/center] [hr] [hr] Riley smiled wide when he heard about the party and it sounded like a perfect place to unwind after the game. A good place to make a bit of trouble as well, since they wouldn't even be in their hometown. He chuckled a bit as Roxy, right on time got herself into the conversation and he shrugged at her. [color=#00FFFF]"Colton here says theres a big party happening tonight after the game in New Orleans. He said he'd drive to so It's a win-win for me, you think Harley will be interested?"[/color] He looked over at his other best friend as he said it but his eyes shifted when he saw Landon walk over to the short kid, Toby. The Blonde seemed to be having some issues breathing and Riley sat up, a bit concerned for his classmate even if he didn't really know him all to well. He shot a glance at both Colton and Roxy to see if they were aware of what was going on.