[color=gray][b]||Dylan||[/b][/color] [sub][@Chicogal][/sub] Dylan walked with Alyssa up to the main doors of the school, he took his towel back off her and packed it into the bag. Slinging it over his shoulder the small talk continued - even if it was only a few words between the car and here. The moment's of silence between them were only made more awkward by how dead the school was at this time. The patter of footsteps came down the hall, Dylan was expecting a monitor. [color=dodgerblue]"Which class are you in? I'm meant to be heading into the sophomore class, but... new."[/color] His neck arched as if trying to get a look at who was about to emerge around the corner. It was Tommy, one of the boys from his club that went to this school. "Alright, Dylan?" He asked a cheeky smile, punching Dylan with some force in the arm, enough to make him budge. He laughed as his friend continued down the hallway, he was a senior and a good friend to Dylan as far as he saw it. He turned sticking his finger up, he wouldn't show it but it had hurt, [color=gray]"Bastard."[/color] He replied, his tone mocking. The senior stopped and came over to Dylan who had stopped as well. "Who's this?" He asked, smiling at Alyssa, arms crossed over his chest, legs about shoulder length apart - he stood as if he was taking a stance, the way he always did, Dylan construed it as kind of funny. Dylan looked between Alyssa and his friend, and when he realized there was hesitation in the introduction he spoke up. [color=gray]"Alyssa."[/color] He told him, [color=gray]"We were both running late, she got a lift with me. She's new."[/color] "New, huh?" He asked, while it was in a joking manner his tone was meant to sound intimidating, he laughed and extended a hand, "Tommy. Nice to meet ya." He was pleasant, Tommy was known for getting along with just about anybody, a chill kind of guy, Dylan looked up to him and many would consider the two alike. He remembered last year a load of his fellow budding newbies had thought the two were related. Tommy used to give Dylan lifts to school and the two got along before in the gym, having always been in the same class and training. "Catch you later, Dylan, Alyssa." He proclaimed, heading off for the door, skiving class it seemed. [color=gray]"Stay lucky, Tom."[/color] Dylan called after him before the pair continued down the hall. [color=gray]"Sophomore?"[/color] He repeated the end of the question, "We're here." He told her, gesturing to the door just up ahead on the right, he walked up and gripped the handle, bringing his body in close to the window. He was already late, maybe he didn't need to attend this period? Ultimately he decided against it pushing down on the handle the door clicking open, he moved aside, still holding onto the handle and looked at Alyssa as if to tell her after you.