[center][h2][color=OliveDrab]Tobit Broflovski[/color][/h2][/center][center][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=211511810]outfit[/url][/center] Toby looked down at the inhaler Landon offered him, then swiftly shook his head, blushing a bit. [color=OliveDrab]"I shouldn't..."[/color] He said uncertainly.[color=OliveDrab]:I mean, if I'm getting sick or something, I wouldn't want to spread it to you. Besides, it's probably not a big deal anyway..."[/color] He suppressed the need to start coughing again, forcing an apologetic smile. He looked up at Landon as the taller boy patted his back, noticing him examining his eye. [i]Crap.[/i] He had forgotten about the bandage over his left eye. He wanted to tell Landon not to worry about it, but he decided it would be better not to mention it at all. [i]Don't draw attention to yourself.[/i] That was basically his internal mantra at this point. He hated being pitied and looked down upon, but he wasn't really all that tough and competent. [color=OliveDrab]"So, uh... anyway... you wouldn't happen to remember what day soccer tryouts are? I kind of forgot."[/color] He said, trying to quickly change the subject. He was still wheezing, and it seemed to be getting steadily worse. He decided if it started to look like he was going to have a full on attack, he'd excuse himself to the bathroom and wait it out. Not really the safest plan, but the last thing he wanted was more attention and pity. [@Apoalo]