[hr][center][img]http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/yy234/lonestar4545/economica.regular_zps52gj7crh.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Phoebe spent her morning in the practice range. Out of the Berserk Armor, of course. She felt like she was... over-relying on it. The Berserk Armor was a powerful weapon, but what if it gets destroyed? Then she'll be absolutely defenseless as she lacks the natural abilities the other Overwatch members have (And she lacks the personal tech the Deltawatch members do). So, she was in the shooting range with an assault rifle that she "borrowed." She was opening fire on the bots while they make [i]obnoxious[/i] noises. Hey, that made it easier to shoot them down with impunity. Phoebe had training with the US military, and now she's going to put all of it to good use. The bots went down like flies as her aim was nothing to make jokes about. But, instead of wildly firing like a psychopath, she merely demonstrated trigger discipline. She needed to warm up for the upcoming mission, anyway. However, she heard the distinct sound of a certain weapon flying through the air. She knew exactly what it was... she merely hung her rifle up as she peaked around the corner to see the cybernetic Genji Shimada. She heard about his sad tale... but a part of her wondered if Mercy is a pervert for giving him an [i]ass[/i] like that. She bit her lip as she merely slid back behind the wall. She had to get ready for the operation, after all. Hanging up her rifle, Phoebe walked over towards the briefing room in a brisk-pace. She realized she was dressed pretty casually in just a T-shirt, jeans, and some boots, but who cares when she's just going to hop into her mech. All of her team is here - even the other team. But, her eyes landed on Louis... and gave him a disturbed look. "Yo, Louis," Phoebe said as she sat down, far away from the medic. "Keep your little tickle stick away from me... and kids while we're at it."