[center][h2][color=orange]T.H.[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [color=orange]"Awww...you guys are no fun. Laughter is a great way to start a day especially before a mission. Might as well be flat out Robots, no offense to the Omnics...well I guess it's time for the meeting anyway. That and what tickle stick? My hands are the funny things about me, besides my charming personality."[/color] Louis laughs as he stops tickling the leader and goes to take a seat that he didn't mess with. Sure, he was a bit nervous about their first mission together but he'd rather not be like his old self and be just a talking stone. Rather enjoy the present like it is with laughter...and he keeps doing so until it dies down eventually. His hands stop glowing as he calms down and Louis puts on his fingerless gloves so that he doesn't accidentally leave it on. The medic looks eagerly at the others with a funny smile of sorts, knowing that he was the only one who was a nut job in comparison to them. [color=orange]"Geez...seems like a dead body entered the room or something. You guys should cheer up! We got chosen for a mission for once, saving people or something. Best to start smiling now because we might not be able to later."[/color] [@Mr Allen J][@Rekaigan][@Haru Nyan][@Bornlucky][@dereken][@DesperatePerson][@Lmpkio]