[center][h1][color=dodgerblue]Flashover[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Mike waved to Lux as he walked in. He was always impressed by Lux's hardlight constructions, and greeted the former Vishkar when he sat down nearby. After a moment to admire the sudden apparition of the elegantly designed chair, by which he goggled at it a few moments, Mike greeted Lux. [color=dodgerblue]"Heya Lux. How goes it?"[/color] Mike shrugged at Lux's question. He was just going to sit there and watch the show, as it were. Before he got a chance to reply to Lux, D-A, the cyborg with the laser swords walked in. Mike threw a wave toward him, and turned back to Lux. [color=dodgerblue]"Dunno man. We could juggle, we could tell amusing stories and anecdotes from our pasts. We could share advice on dealing with rodent infestation. Me, I'm gonna eat."[/color] With that, Michael produced a protein bar from his pocket, the second half of his breakfast. The engineer came in next, with her little robot thing. She gave a tired greeting, which Michael returned through half a mouthful of food. [color=dodgerblue]"G'morning!"[/color] He swallowed, and pocketed the wrapper. Seems the room was filling up quick, as the last member of the Deltawatch squads appeared in the doorway, Phoebe Sarin. Michael grinned cheerfully at his fellow armor pilot. He watched her sit, and chuckled at her comment toward towards Louis. Mike leaned back in his chair with a grunt. They should be getting their orders any minute now.