[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]Auz sprang forwards as Xavier strained to free his stone implement, but not to attack immediately; he sought to enter deep within his opponent's guard, intending to plant his right boot betwixt Xavier's own two shoes at about the same time as the stone chunk would have been slung back over Xavier's shoulder. Auz's intent was fairly obvious. He desired to see Xavier attack first, in order to counter said attack from up close so that the difference in speed (Xavier being faster at the moment) wouldn't matter quite so much. At this range, it could be anyone's game. Should Xavier step back and swing his club down, Auz would step sharply after him and with the force garnered from gripping his weapon with both hands, drive the tip down towards the base of Xavier's throat from less than a foot away.[/i] [color=6ecff6]"YOU SMELL!"[/color]