[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/indrau/indrau_p.png[/img] — Candaeln —[/center] Leaning on his cane and making no move to approach closer to the group and their guardian, Indrau regarded them for a moment. After several seconds he strode forward several paces and bowed slightly, enough to be noticeable but not put undue strain on his leg. "Knight Indrau the Lion, recently returned from an investigation in the north. Whom might I have the honour of addressing?" He had been around long enough that the veteran knights would know him but given his frequent travels it was entirely possible that he would be entirely unknown to the younger knights. Perhaps it might be time to commission a portrait or something. Regardless, given that he did not recognize the knights in front of him it would be only proper to observe the proper formalities.