Not the Canadian one. That one holiday in America where we celebrate the Indians teaching the pilgrims how to survive, only later to have their land taken from them by the people they helped? The one that is followed by black Friday, and the subsequent murder of a Wal-mart employe who will come between a lard whale and a good deal? Then traffic gets progressively worse as people struggle to get the “perfect” gift last second? Yea, that one. It's a week away. Whether you celebrate it or not, , I'm just posting to let you know it's closing in. I'd like you to think about your family. Not the miserable members of your extended family, they just want to eat all the free food and leave. I want you to focus on the people closer to you, if you're fortunate enough to have any. Relay my message to a Wal-mart employee, if you aren't one yourself. Nobody should have to die in retail because of an impatient walrus. I also hope you've got a plan regarding your Christmas gifts. I for one plan on having all of my shopping done before Black Friday. Anyway, good luck, and happy holidays! ...Hmm, I guess this topic needs a point now. I guess you can woo us with your plans for the holidays. But this is the spam section, so everything goes. We could all prepare for a meme-tastic holiday feast, or you could say what you'd do if you were seated next to the avatar above you at thanks giving dinner. Or you could just spam image macros. Maybe all of the above? The possibilities are endless!