[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]Auz might have been able to avoid the blow had it come at a speed befitting that of such a large implement. In fact, Auz had been expecting the attack to be slow. Instead, the stone club flew in low and fast, and Auz wasn't ready. It hit him in the legs and knocked them right out from under him, accompanied by a nasty *CRUNCH!* Auz hit the ground hard, but his left hand was quick to withdraw a parrying dagger from his harness. Panting heavily and not making any attempt to roll away or recover, he looked up at Xavier and spoke, deadpan but with undertones of barely repressed pain in his voice. His legs were probably broken.[/i] [color=6ecff6]"Son of a bitch... That hurt. What the hell are you and where did you come from?"[/color]