[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VDo9Fcg.png[/img] [color=chartreuse][h2] [b][u] Thania Evereth Langston [/u][/b] [sup][sup]Current Location: Red River Saloon[/sup][/sup] [/h2][/color] [/center] [color=chartreuse]"Something, something..."[/color] Thania said to none in particular as she set her feet on the dusty streets of, well... there was a reason why that city was named Dust, Thania thought. Either way, Thania let out a loud yawn, looking the billowing smoke and steam coming from the Iron Tom. It was that late already? Well, it wasn't Thania's fault that she slept in a little, not when you wake up to an over thirty degrees heat. In fact, it had been barely an hour since Thania woke up and changed out of the single piece of sleepwear she wore, a single linen shirt, into her [url=http://i.imgur.com/bas3GTG.jpg][color=chartreuse][b]usual outwear[/b][/color][/url], going out to run errands for her o so lazy partner/boss. First things first, Thania went to the Ling Sheng Laundry, a Yaroan laundry shop down the main street to collect yesterday's laundry, fresh and clean, for a small of a few copper pieces. On her way back, holding the sack of clean clothes over her shoulder, the short blonde bought a newspaper, skim reading it on her way to the main stop of the morning, the Red River Saloon. [color=chartreuse]"Ad, ad, more ad.. oh look, someone died for being too dumb again. It's not my fault they chose to hire a cheaper guide, instead of me. Might drop by the sheriff and see if there's a bounty for the culprits later, though. Anyway it looks like a normal day in the Frontier."[/color] Thania mumbled as she read the paper while dodging her way inside the crowded saloon. [color=chartreuse]"Two fresh meals, packed for travel, and four sarsaparillas, please."[/color] Thania called for the bar master, sliding some coins on the counter and then turning around to look at the packed place as she waited for her order. For a reason or another the blonde gunner's eyes found their way to a certain other blonde that didn't thought too much of sitting in a position that let all who wished to have a privileged view of her underwear. [color=chartreuse][i]"Well now, looks like there's more than one old cougar in the city these days, huh?"[/i][/color] Thania thought, popping a candy on her mouth and chewing it slowly to pass the time even. For the time being she remained quiet, even if her gaze never wavered from the exhibitionist. [hr] [sup][@Lord of Evil], [@Senera2000], [@Exit], [@TheWindel], [@Mega Birb], [@MidnightRose], [@Fairess], [@LordVoldemort].[/sup]