[@KatherinWinter] Aki thought for a bit pondering what to say. He also wondered about the game they were playing. They had a lot of odd questions that they answered. He thought about each one for a bit then said. [color=add8e6]"Well as I said I'm Aki. I can control the air."[/color] He then called the air to fly past everyone he only made a simple breeze to somewhat showcase his power. Then he continued [color=add8e6]"As for introducing myself well hmm I guess the best thing to say is I'm open to anything. I like to try new things, I like swimming, hiking, and relaxing outside. As for those questions you all have answered. My favorite color is midnight blue, my weirdest dream would have to be the time I dreamed that I was in a tv show, my hobbies are swimming, hiking, climbing, and I guess trying new things. I haven't really thought about what i want to be it'd be pretty cool to be a chef. Now finally my favorite jelly bean i don't eat them often but it is probably the dr. pepper one or the cherry cola."[/color] Aki then thought for a bit making sure he got everything then after he confirmed that he said [color=add8e6]"Nice to meet all of you."[/color][b][/b]