Tiberius rode Lancel throughout the night, for where he had been, there was little time to rest or he feared he would not make it on time. The night had been very quiet with little going on besides occasionally spooking an animal in the forest or the passing of small villages with their closed doors. Luckily, he didn't tire easily even if sleep beckoned his name with sweet promises of dreams and the comfort of a warm bed. Now the sun was just rising in glorious hues of orange, yellow and purple. It slowly coated the landscape around him and revealing that he was close now. He could see the wall now, it was the second time he had ever been to the High Elves domain and Tiberius was still mesmerized by how beautiful they had made everything and just how grand the wall really was. Built of stone and steel, a wondrous achievement and a great display of power. He learned that the High Elves had good hearts for what they did so long ago, and none of the races that were here now would be here without them. For this, he was thankful but the question still nagged at the back of his mind. Why had he been summoned? He came upon the gate wrought of steel and carvings he did not understand shortly afterwords. He greeted the gatekeeper merrily and it opened slowly, giving way to a full view of High Elven country. Nothing had changed greatly since his last visit and it was still as beautiful as before much to his relief. What he enjoyed most about this place was how freely everything seemed to be. There was no fighting within these walls, and nothing to fear. Even the animals seemed to be in harmony with the elves and there was a good peace here. He bid the gatekeeper a very fond farewell and went on his way. When he was close, he dismounted from Lancel and let him go freely. He was sure the Elves would not care and his white stallion deserved a good long break for his hard work. With a tender pat on his snout, he bid Lancel goodbye for a time. He waited and watched his horse go down to a stream to drink his fill. Tiberius smiled under his steel great helm and stretched his legs out before walking up towards the Council Hill. His armor glinted in the morning sun as he made his approach and when he got to one of the arches he gazed up at it out of curiosity. He had never actually been to this place before and it was all knew to him but it was definitely what he thought it would be. A stone table, chairs, and three figures across from him. Two were definitely high elves and if he was a guessing man one would be Sadron. The third person he was was... the storyteller? At least that was who he thought it was. He had never met him, but had heard the tales. How exciting Tiberius thought. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her, a women. Or was she an elf? He couldn't really tell but she was also very tall, probably around the same height he was and her crystal blue eyes were striking. Her blond hair fit the picture perfectly and he felt himself blush under his helmet. He just.. stared at her for a minute or two before realizing she wasn't saying anything. So, Tiberius eventually looked back at the High Elves and blurted out, "So, uhh, I got your letter."