[center][color=yellow][h3][i]~Sarah~[/i][/h3][/color][/center] Zoned out, eyes lost somewhere on the whiteboard ahead with the learning objectives written neatly with a large expo marker, Sarah’s mind was most certainly not on the current curriculum. Roxy’s movement pulled her out of it as blue eyes shifted to their peripheral just in time to catch the face as she mentally stuck her own tongue out at the girl, too late to actually react. A deeper voice kindly brought her back into the real world and catching her by surprise at the same time. [color=yellow] “I’d be down for some fútball. Though I’m afraid I’d be better off as bystander than an actual player.” [/color]. Coordination was something she was never blessed with, the only sport she was actually decent at was backyard football, Americano style, something that came from living in rural backwoods. She was the kind of girl who could manage to spike her own teammate with a volleyball, though that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy watching them immensely. Competitive at heart, she’d also been known to get heated over a bad call. Saturday, why did that seem important? Opening her planner, the poor book would no doubt be long forgotten by the second or third week, she notice the bright blue letters ‘ART CLUB MEETING’ circled several times. Shifting her head, eyes glazed the room searching for people she’d figured would also show up. At last they landed on dirty blonde hair: Dominik. He always seemed like the quiet type, but Sarah rather liked that about him. Being so loud herself, she found it intriguing to be able to say so much with so little, no knowing where his thoughts were actually at. He’d joined the art club hadn’t he? Had she ever seen his work before, likely not. [color=yellow][i] I wonder what medium he uses? [/i][/color]. Giving a second longer to attempt at deciphering, she turned back to the boys, excitement building up inside her soul like waves, tickling at her sides. So many possibilities, and so much to learn. [color=yellow]“I have a meeting that morning but it should be wrapped up before 11. Is there anything I need to bring, other than, well, you know,”[/color] taking one hand she gestured down the length of herself, [color=yellow] “Me, myself, and I?”[/color] [@SmileyJaws] [@KaijuBaragon] [@Oliver]