[@Midnight Howl] Not your fault. You didn't put the cat under my truck for me to accidentally run over, nor did convince all my co-workers to refuse to take my shift so I couldn't head to the college today. You also didn't cause my truck door to jam shut or, make one job super slow and boring while the other one was super busy and frustrating. By the way, I was out of it a day because of the cat thing and almost refused to go to my first job. I messed a bunch of stuff up at work, I get the chills every time I pull into my driveway. I got out too late to go see the movie I wanted to see. My feet hurt, my head was throbbing until I took 4 Tylenols. I am super tense. Not to mention I have to fight with myself not to talk to my ex/former best friend again. That right there is just a taste of my absolutely horrid day...Sorry, did't mean to rant...kinda needed that though...