[img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130323011151/narutofanon/images/9/91/Female_Warrior.jpg[/img] Wears a [url=http://infinityblade.com/images/universe-items/Armor_108.png]full suit of armor[/url] and a [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHSypoQtvqerBIbOcg-JZhiXtySoyG7sM6a9udcvVNl-JEKB4I]helm[/url]. And her eyes are actually [url=http://www.kenego.com/wp-content/uploads/6/6-inexpensive-baby-blue-contacts-light-eyes-light-blue-colored-contacts-for-light-eyes-light-ice-blue-contacts-light-blue-contacts-halloween-light-blue-contacts-for-hazel-eyes-how-much-are-light.jpg]ice blue.[/url] Name: Nariah Stormblade Age: 22 Class: Warrior Skills: Swordplay, blocking, heavy armor, knows some blacksmithing and cooking Personality: She’s a rather plucky kind of girl with the determined heart of a true warrior. Nariah stays dedicated to her cause and will fight tooth and nail to defend those she loves and holds dear to her. A bit challenged by her lack of knowledge (yes, she’s a bit dumb), she tends to be folly when it comes to thinking logically, but that’s not to say she is a complete idiot. What Nariah lacks in knowledge, she makes up for in bravery and compassion from the very depths of her heart. just like any rough and tumble warrior, she loves a good drink as much as she loves a good fight Brief Bio: [hider=WHOA THAT'S ALOT OF WRITING!!] Born in the snowy and pine covered mountain village of Dunenmer Hollow, Nariah was the daughter of Harken Stormblade, a former adventurer and the village's most esteemed blacksmith. She was a peculiar young lass. Her father would astound and amaze her greatly with tales of his many travels and endeavors, how he fought fearsome beasts and traversed vast and magical realms in his early days. So enthralled was the girl by the yearning for adventure, she would spend her many hours in the surrounding forests, swinging about a stick to the trees as if they were also terrifying monsters being slain by her sharp and powerful blade. Harken was amused by it, but he also saw that very spark in his daughter's eye that he once held, though he was fearful to let his only flesh and blood venture from the village. Nevertheless, he taught Nariah over the years all that he knew of being an adventurer, how to fight and defend herself should the need arise, and when it was best to retreat from battle. Nariah soon became a competent swordswoman under her father's guidance, and not to mention a proficient blacksmith herself, but still the man was afraid to let his daughter go. No matter how much Nariah persisted incessantly on her father letting her leave the village, Harken always gave her the same lecture, [i]Ye are my only kin, and I am not going to let ye run off into danger, Nariah. Ye still have much to learn before I ever let ye venture from Dunenmer alone. The world is a far more sinister place, daughter. Having just a sword alone will not protect you.”[/i] It was difficult for Nariah to grasp what her father meant, blame it on her whimsical mind, yet she understood one thing….her father still saw her as a young girl. But dammit, she could fight. She knew the way of the sword and the shield, but her father was just too damn stubborn to let her go. Sooner or later, the old man would have to. How else would Nariah learn to grow? Soon came the day a dreadful earthquake, with such rancorous horror, rattled violently the grounds about the quaint hollow and destroyed many homes. Blessed Tha'agorn no lives were lost in the chaos, but it was certain this was no ordinary tremor, neither was it the hammer of the mighty god of the forge crashing down upon the land. This was spawned of a great and immeasurable evil indeed so. The villagers, they feared for their lives and for those of their kin. Someone must venture out to the source of this madness and deal with it, they said, but Harken, in his gray age could not. It was just as Harken had feared, the burden had fallen...upon Nariah, as did the letter proclaim. Before he sent his daughter off with all of his love and his blessings, he forged for Nariah a sword and shield, worthy of even the finest warrior of the land, and he also crafted a suit of armor for her, and last but not least, a beautiful pendant which the village elder blessed with a protection spell. Finally, he said his goodbyes to his daughter. [i]"Ye be safe now, and be sure to come back and see ye old man, ye hear me daughter?"[/i] Heartily he chuckled hugging tight his child, now a full grown woman and the most competent warrior of their village. She had a long journey ahead of her, and the challenges she faced were sure to be harrowing, but nevertheless, Nariah would face them head-on, for the sake of her village and....for the sake of her father. "Aye. I will father." She replied happily embracing the stout, old man. "I'll be sure to send word of me travels as well. Goodbye father." [i]"Goodbye, me daughter....and Tha'agorn keep you safe."[/i] [/hider] Weapon(s): A [url=http://www.kultofathena.com/images%5CKR0030_l.jpg]longsword[/url] and [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4HB_A0xsNbE/T4N7dX4U8gI/AAAAAAAAAAw/bAv8cVjV7tM/s1600/5849058-medieval-shield-concept.jpg]shield[/url] forged by her father. She also carries a [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120814140652/elderscrolls/images/3/32/Dawnguardwaraxe.png]small war axe[/url] as a backup. Equipment: A [url=http://img0.etsystatic.com/009/0/6783493/il_570xN.423699376_cmog.jpg]pendant of protection[/url] also forged for her by her father. She wears it at all times. She also carries a flask of mead and a whetstone for sharpening her sword. Also a blacksmithing hammer should the need arise. For the cold, she has a pelt made of wolf fur. Theme Music: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfxZRwLOSeY]Theme 1[/url], [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A4mbovbFtg0]Theme 2[/url] Approved by the wonderful GMS [@Ineffable] & [@Cloudystar]