Vonar Loran had been assigned as the leader of the search through the ruins of the Jedi temple. He was an older human, and very experienced member of the Republic's SIS(Strategic Information Service) who had dealt with the Jedi several times before, and knew quite a lot about the temple. He always remained slightly skeptical of them, as he was with many groups, but for the most part, he was quite supportive of the order. Over the course of several days, the search seemed to be finally wrapping up. The other SIS members involved had given Vonar as much information as they could find, and he looked through it repeatedly, having very mixed feelings on some of the results. Many Jedi were confirmed dead, but several bodies were hard to fully identify. Even with that, the numbers didn't match either. They had run a very thorough search, but there should have been more Jedi dead than there were. It gave an odd kind of comfort that they might still be alive, but brought up questions of what exactly their fate was, or would be. Vonar reported all the information that had been found then made sure to meet up with some of the other members of the SIS looking into information that could be relevant to the situation. There were several ships seen on Coruscant that seemed like potential choices for where the Jedi would be if they had been taken, which is what most of the information was leading to. One of them, the Hâsk, had been spotted heading toward Tatooine. The information had also been confirmed by an Imperial soldier who was connected to the Navy after several days of torture. He had given some other information, but most of the rest didn't seem like it was connected to any captured Jedi, which was Vonar's focus at the moment. The SIS members in the area would be told to keep an eye out for the ship, though the chance of them learning much wasn't particularly high at the moment, but they also knew that the sight of at least one Jedi would be enough to confirm several suspicions. It seemed very unlikely that the Empire were going to offer them in some kind of trade, especially considering that none of the Jedi were very high ranking, at least of the ones believed to have been captured. Vonar also knew it meant the Republic had less interest in them, but it certainly wasn't going to hurt if they found out more about what had happened to them, and what exactly the Sith had planned. There was also the possibility that the Jedi had obtained some useful information on the Empire, even if it wasn't the most likely. For the moment, Vonar would look into everything that could get him more information without jeopardizing any other plans. He knew only so much could, and would be done with what they had obtained, but a lack of effort from him wouldn't be the reason for them not accomplishing something with it.