"Grandpa, we're going to get more cards today!" Joey exclaimed excitedly as Yugi had opened the door but no Solomon to be found at the shop part of his home. "Hey, Gramps?" Joey called out, looking around curiously. Yugi was confused, walking in further as Joey, Tristen and Tea were at the entrance. "Grandpa, I'm home!" He called out this time. "He left the door open. That's careless." Joey noted, though as that was said, the phone began to ring. Yugi looked at it and walked over, answering it. "Hello? Game shop." [i]"Yugi."[/i] The voice of Seto Kaiba answered. "Kaiba?!" Yugi was surprised to hear from him. [i]"I have your Grandfather with me Yugi. Be a good boy and come to my company to bring him back, he isn't feeling so well."[/i] "EH?! What do you mean?! Kaiba?!" Yugi heard the line go dead and Yugi felt his heart sink. Joey was all out confused as Joey looked at him with a worried look. "What wrong Yugi?" He asked. Yugi had put the phone back, almost looking pale and extremely worried for his grandpa. "He's had Kaiba's, I need to go get him. Yugi exited the game shop as his friends followed after him. _______[i][b]Kaiba Corp[/b][/i]________ Yugi and his friends arrived at the Kaiba Corp's dueling arena when they saw the fallen figure of who he realized to his Grandfather. He rushed over as his friends gave Yugi a little bit room but stood over him as if to protect him. "Grandpa! Grandpa!" He kneeled before his grandfather and tried to check to see how he was. "Are you alright?" Solomon groaned, hearing the his grandson's voice as he tried to sit up and but was in obvious pain and couldn't manage his one goal. "Yu...Yugi, I'm sorry... I had tried to show that brat Kaiba the Heart of the Cards..." He groaned again in pain, curling in on himself with the intense pain he was feeling. Yugi was feeling his heart sink and much worry for his grandpa. "Grandpa! Don't move." Kaiba revealed himself on the other side of the room with a slightly smug look. "You're too late." Joey glared daggers at the rich young CEO while he balled up his hands into fists. "Bastard! What the hell did you do to him?!" Joey barked. Seto only shrugged a little as if this was nothing. "All we did was Duel. The bet was the other person's most treasured card. Too bad he was too much of an old man to be able to handle the brand new battle simulator." He explained. Tea looked completely unhappy with Kaiba. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" Kaiba place his hands in his pockets not looking phased. "Nonsense! I'll prove it with the card that I won." Kaiba told them calmly as he pulled a hand from his pocket and revealed the back of a Duel Monsters card. He flipped it to reveal the Blue-eyes white Dragon. Yugi looked at it with shock and disbelief. "That was Grandpa's favorite card!" He exclaimed. Kaiba turned the card horizontally. "I only love the other three. The fourth and last will just get in my way!" Yugi was confused. "The fourth...?" Before they knew it and unexpected, Seto grabbed the other end with his free hand and ripped it in two, leaving all in shock and disbelief of this scene before them, Yugi's heart dropped and Solomon's eyes were tearing up. "My...My Blue-Eyes White Dragon..." This didn't help him for he was still in pain and this brought Yugi out of thoughts and focusing on his grandfather. "Grandpa, take it easy!" Trying to reason with him before looking over to Kaiba, a glare set on his face which is to be very unknown towards him. "You'll pay for that Kaiba!" A spark of flame had been ignited and burning bright within his soul. Grandpa shifted till he had put a hand in his pocket and pulled out what he was looking for. "Yugi...take this..." In his hand once Yugi looked at it was a Duel Monsters deck. Yugi had no idea what to do right now. "These cards have the heart that I used to duel him with. You must win with these cards. These cards have my heart and soul in them. You must teach him the heart of the cards..." Solomon began coughing as Yugi had taken the deck but trying to help him. "But I can't leave you here Grandpa, you're hurt!" Yugi pointed out only for Seto to butt in. "How sweet. You want revenge for your Grandfather? I accept your challenge." Kaiba mocked. "Yugi, go fight! We'll stay here and watch your Grandfather for you. You just focus on beating that spoiled brat with the Heart of the Cards!" Joey said suddenly, his eyes on Kaiba but then moved to Yugi with confidence, reassurance. Yugi looked to the Blonde teen surprised but understood and felt his confidence rise. "Kick his ass, Yugi!" Tea spoke out next. Yugi just looked to them all. "You guys..." But no other words came out, nor were willing to. "Yugi, you're the one who changed a person who loved fighting, ME! You can beat him, Yugi!" Joey may have sounded insistent but that wasnt the case he made it more of just a statement, that what he was telling him was true and if anyone was willing to count, he had gone to look for a fight ever since their friendship began. Tristen nodded, confirming Joey's words. This made Yugi think for a moment before looking to his grandpa and nodded. "I understand, Grandpa." of which Solomon nodded a little. "Good luck Yugi." With a bit of moral left to cover and done, Yugi had gone to the arena of which he was to duel against Kaiba while Joey, Tristen and Tea had called an ambulance to pick them up and grandpa. Tea though had stopped Joey, wanting him to stay behind and root for Yugi and give him support of which Joey agreed. At the arena, Kaiba and Yugi both went to their respected booths and raised to their terminal to use for the duel. Kaiba looked nonchalant and which in the moment Yugi was different. "The rules of this Duel have changed a bit. The Life Points will start at 2000. The first person to hit zero Life Points loses. Battle System, start!" In that moment Yugi was much different and Seto wandered if he was imagining things. "Wait...Wha-?!" A much similar identical Yugi had stepped in his place, a foot taller, eyes much more older it seemed, different shape and the tri-colored hair a tad more wild. The figure, Yami had looked just as confident, maybe more confident than the rich CEO. "Kaiba, with my Grandpa's soul as the bet, I WILL win!"