[center][h2]Corporal James Hunt|Battle of Vasel[/h2][/center] [center][@Raven_Operative][@Little_ninja][@POOHEAD189][@Kitsune][/center] Rousseau's comment about hurrying up was never heard as James reached the first of the two crewmen, freeing his harness and pulling the man out and handing him off to Rousseau. "Get him back to the house, now!" Not waiting to see if his order was followed, he dove back into the tank for it's other crew member. The man's groaning eventually lead the Corporal to him, but he was in bad shape compared to the first. He had a piece of broken metal through his calf and a rather nasty gash across his forehead. [i]No time for proper first aid.[/i] Unbuckling the man's harness was just as easy as the first's has been, but moving him took longer, Hunt having to be careful about the metal in the man's leg as to avoid moving it or getting it caught and ripping it out. He had just pulled him out, and was moving away from the tank when a round hit it directly, blowing it sky high and sending the Corporal and the man he'd rescued flying towards the house his fire team was holed up in. For several seconds, neither of them moved, before Hunter finally hauled himself up with a groan and a wince. He could feel a couple pieces of shrapnel sticking out of his back and one his leg, but none of them were deep enough to cause serious damage. Retrieving the fallen tanker, he got him back to the house in time to hear Lilly over the radio. Approaching it as fast as he could, he picked it up. "Corporal Hunt here, we're all good. I'm a little worse for wear from that last shell, but I'll be bringing my storm trooper and a scout soon. Hold that first floor. Out" Turning to his fire team, he takes note of their prisoner and glances at Fairglaive before shaking his head. "Alright, Fairglaive, patch these men up best you can. I'm taking Rousseau and Nelson across to that forward command to help secure it. And while you're at it, see if you can raise that group that was attached to us. Charlie Company I think it was."