[@XenoCyanide] [u]The Recruitment of Xen'Desh Idlindra[/u] Sadron was wise to seek him first, for it took the messenger many days just to reach him. The poor boy was utterly exhausted by the time he found someone resembling the great wizard Xen'Desh. "For you...sir..." the boy huffed as he handed him a letter. [hider=The Letter] [i]Greetings, Lord Xen'Desh Idlindra, Your guidance and council are requested at High Council Hill by eight in the morning tomorrow. Enclosed is a teleportation crystal to facilitate travel. A great evil has risen up in the north, and we have hand-picked a number of Champions to fight it. Please, for the sake of all that is right and good in the world, lend us your aid and lead our Champions to victory. We need you now more than ever. ~Sadron Aphaderuiondur[/i] [/hider]