[@Alisdragon911][@ineffable] [i][b]"[color=7ea7d8]Can I help you?[/color]"[/b][/i] The words reached over the girls shoulder and tugged on their ear with a force that could not be ignored. While spoken softly the words were clear and sharp, abruptly cutting the near silence found this far from the main floor. They carried with them an air of confidence and authority with a slight hidden undertone of a faint frustration and displeasure. Behind the women stood not one but two of the Radahaw brothers. And in such close proximity without confrontation... The one who spoke stood on the right, his focus on the cuffs of his elegant black suit as he meticulously adjusted them to fit perfectly to his attire. His skin was smooth and eyes steely, hiding a thousand thoughts and memories behind them. Instantly it seemed if his nature was more serious inclined, if not troubled. Standing beside him, half a foot taller and much more rougher in appearance was the other brother. His clothes simple and stained serving functionality over style. His skin was marked with tattoos and scars and even his posture was more carefree and restless. This man seemed more raw, even his eyes had an animalistic inclination to them. He was shamelessly looking the girls over from foot to head when they turned around. A sly smile on his lips and predatory glare in his eye as he speaks in a deep voice with a rough rugged charm. [b]"[color=9e0b0f]Or maybe can I help you?[/color]"[/b]