[h1][center][b][color=0072bc]D-A[/color][/b][/center][/h1] It wasn't long before a few other faces had decided to show themselves welcome. There was the resident cutie, Zhi-Ya who looked like she could really use a rest or maybe two cups of coffee, if the bags under her eyes were any indication. Oh, the wonders of staying up late...D-A chuckled as he remembers similar situations that had happened before, he waves at the girl to greet her. Then there was Phoebe, the ever dependable team leader. He couldn't help but nod his head and laugh at her witty jab at Louis. Seriously, that kid needs help. Someone get him a therapist or something. And speaking of the devil, the redhead said something about his personality being all a part of his charm, and in that moment D-A swore that if he still had eyebrows they would've been through the roof right now. Thankfully though, the tickling had ceased and for he did have to agree with TH on something, it was pretty dull. Not exactly fitting atmosphere for a bunch of ragtag up and coming heroes getting ready for their first mission. Subconsciously, he was trying to force himself to smile, to no avail. He sighed as he lamented that even basic facial expressions, he can't do. D-A glanced over at Mike who was busily munching on a protein bar, to which he replied with, [b][i][color=0072bc]"Aw great, now you're making me miss food..."[/color][/i][/b] Yet another downside of being mechanical was the lack of food. Life becomes a little less brighter when you can't even enjoy the simplest things, like food. Trying to ignore the pessimistic emotions clouding his mind, he turned his attention to Lux, who always was pretty distant to the rest of the group. Even his jokes are in line with his personality; cold. Then all of a sudden he mentions playing Russian Roulette of all things, there's being risky and a daredevil, and then there's stupid. This was made even worse by his deadpan silence after uttering those words before saying it was merely all a joke, proving D-A's point that his sense of his humor is pretty....questionable to say the least.