"Rheoden huh? can't say I've heard of it before. And skyscrapers... quite a straightforward name." Jameson ended his sentence with a chuckle followed by a sigh, "I think I'm done questing for the moment, but I'll have a look around your tavern. Oh yes, a cup of coffee and whatever food you think is best if you don't mind." Jameson then went around the tavern, checking out the Activity Centre and notice board. The Activity Centre was quite peaceful, due to the fact that there was no one there, the walls were made of glass panes, Jameson couldn't see how any activity could be done here without any equipment. He then went over to the notice board, "The almighty Gus the Assassin... sounds like a dangerous fellow. Oh, says here they're hiring a bar master, might wanna ask the lady about those. What's her name anyway?" he said to himself. Once he was done, he took a seat back at the glass counter awaiting his food and drink. He called out to the lady behind the counter, "Ma'am, what might be the name of such a fine lady like yourself, and says here you're lookin' to hire a bar master? Also who's this Gus fellow?"