[center][h2][color=dodgerblue]Alyssa Wells[/color][/h2][/center] Alyssa came to a stop as another boy appeared around a corner, hovering awkwardly slightly behind Dylan. She wasn't sure what to make of him, almost aggressive but not quite. She stepped forward to shake his hand, unable to help the way she instinctively bit down on her lip. "Nice to meet you," she responded in kind, voice characteristically quiet. They seemed to be good buddies, and soon enough they moved on once more. Maybe she already liked her companion - he was kind to open the door for her, although it meant that she had to go in first. She took a second to compose herself, gave Dylan a breathy, "Thank you," and walked inside. Immediately, she was greeted by the sight of a busy classroom. She paused for a moment, slightly overwhelmed, before looking quickly to the teacher for guidance.