"That must be Thorin!" Kili was relieved at this; he had no reason to worry for his well being (Thorin could handle himself) but it still brought him comfort to know he'd arrived. "Yes, we should," he agreed with her hastily, and he lead her towards the hall just as Bilbo stomped by to get the door for the fifth time that evening. The hobbit was mumbling complaints underneath his breath, and he looked quite frazzled. Kili was a bit amused by the sight; hobbits were strange creatures. "Now where did Fili run off to?" Kiki hoped he hadn't offended his brother; he did not meant to appear ungrateful. Saeril really was such a wonderful surprise. "I think the others are in the dining area," he explained, though he had to look up to her. "...Perhaps I should see if our host needs any help." Bilbo got the door easily enough, and there stood yet another dwarf. Unlike the rest, he appeared very calm, stoic, and a touch skeptical. Thorin stepped inside, and he looked the home over, silently judging the interior. To Bilbo, he raised an eyebrow, then awaited him to speak. The hobbit seemed tongue tied, and so Thorin removed his own coat with a sigh. "Where is Gandalf?"