[center][color=fdc68a][h2]Zhi-Ya Chen[/h2][/color] [@Haru Nyan][/center] [hr] As much as Zhi-Ya wanted to be part of these conversations, the tiredness from the triple stacked all-nighter was starting to punish her more than she expected. It wasn't looking like a good first mission announcement day for her. She had a little stretch and a yawn as she sat down next to D-A. If she was more awake, she would be poking at Lux for Hardlight demonstrations, much like what T.H. was doing, and asking D-A if she could look at his machinery. Despite knowing these people for about a year, she still knew almost nothing about them. Not helpful at all. You know what else isn't helpful? Being attacked by the sleep monster. In the morning. On mission announcement. The engineer distinctly remembered a day in which she asked D-A about his machine body, but she forgot what the response was. [color=fdc68a]"Too sleepy.. Can't lighten up.. Please.. Caffeine.."[/color] She muttered tiredly as she eyes slowly shut, her body tilting to the side as she fell asleep. Her head making a muted [i]thunk.[/i] as it rested on D-A's shoulder. [color=fdc68a][i]'Russians are bad gamblers though..'[/i][/color] Russian roulette was a weird game indeed.