[color=0054a6]The following morning, Adalia had woken up and gotten dressed in her royal battle uniform again. She wasn’t going to actually participate in the training, but she wanted to be prepared in case the Orcs wanted to return to try and conquer them again. She didn’t expect that the Orcs would be coming back so soon, but since this was a whole new tactic from the Orcs, it was better to be safe than sorry in the long run. While she was still in the mansion, though standing at the doors leading outside, Roes Tyre came down from the first floor, also dressed in her white battle uniform. She gave a soft smile to Adalia [color=f6989d]“It seems we both have the same idea.”[/color] She said with a smile. [color=f6989d]“I’d rather not be taken by surprise if the Orcs should come again.” [/color]She said. Adalia could see that behind that smile Rose put on, sadness and thirst for revenge was boiling and moving around. She understood why Rose felt like that, the Orcs had killed her only family member, but Adalia hoped that she could get Rose to forget about it in time. Adalia gave her a soft smile [color=ed145b]“I’d be pleased if they didn’t attack us again, but it seems that in these strange times, we never know what’ll happen.”[/color] She said softly. She wondered if Orcs and war was the only thing that these new times would bring, or if there was more brewing in the world. She sometimes felt that there was an energy somewhere out in the world, that felt much like her own, but most of the time she dismissed it as an illusion because she was immortal and she might be searching too strongly for a sign, which created a false sign instead of a real one. She shrugged the thoughts out of her head for now and focused back on Rose. [color=ed145b]“If you’d like to join me, you’re welcome to follow me outside the castle walls. The soldiers will be training there with Chalsea and her warband. We’ll see how the training effects the soldiers that wishes to participate.”[/color] She said. Rose nodded a bit [color=f6989d]“I’d like that. However, I won’t participate myself. I have my own methods of training.” [/color]She smiled. With that, they left the mansion and walked through the city until they reached the gates that led outside. Adalia was still thinking about what came through her mind the last night though, that she knew Rose from somewhere, or had seen her somewhere else, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Rose was walking next to Adalia and while Adalia was lost in her own thoughts about Rose, Rose was lost in her thoughts about Adalia. [color=f6989d][i]‘I know her, Adalia, I remember her from somewhere. She is known as the immortal Queen. I have managed to stay hidden so far and my brother, though not blood-related, was the only one who knew the truth about me. But how much does Adalia remember? It seems she doesn’t remember anything at all, whereas I remember surroundings, cities, places that I haven’t seen in this world.’[/i][/color] She thought to herself. She had gotten close to Adalia, and perhaps it had been a plan of hers for longer than she realized herself. She hadn’t actually planned on getting to live in Adalia’s mansion, she hadn’t even planned on getting to know her, but maybe part of her subconscious had taken advantage of her brother’s death, to get close to Adalia without making herself realize it, until now. She sighed a little and moved her so that she was looking straight again. They were now standing outside of the gates, having walked a bit faster than both of them realized while they had been lost in their thoughts. All of Adalia’s soldiers were gathered outside on the Steppes, and it was really all of her soldiers. None of them had been forced to take the training, but they had still all shown up of their own free will. Adalia smiled at the sight and even Rose had to admit that it was rather impressive that all the soldiers had shown up by themselves. Adalia wasn’t sure if Chalsea had arrived yet, but the sun was up and beaming down hot on everyone outside the city walls. No soldier was wearing the special gloves anymore, they had all used them long enough to having their senses sharpened permanently and without any damage.[color=f6989d] “It’s an amazing sight. To see all those white shining armors and soldiers, ready to become stronger to protect the White Stone City.”[/color] Rose said with a small admiration in her voice. Adalia nodded [color=ed145b]“It is indeed an amazing sight, one that we should treasure in our memories, as we don’t know when we will ever get to see something like this again, unless it’s before going into battle, in which case, the beauty might be taken out of the scene.” [/color]She said, still smiling to herself a bit. [/color]