[@RokkuHoshi] Interested. [hider=Derrick Phillips] [b]Name:[/b] Derrick Phillips, but only the staff know this. Everyone calls calls him D. [b]Age:[/b] 12. [b]Appearance:[/b] Derrick has dark brown hair and grey eyes. He stands at 4' 8" and has a muscular build. Countless scars cover his body and he has has a very sharp face. Derrick occasionally wears a grey prisoner jumpsuit, but usually wears a miniature guard uniform. He wears a bright red armband to differentiate himself from other corrupted. He wears a set of prescription sunglasses at all times. [b]Powers/weapons: Entropic Touch:[/b] With a touch, Derrick can accelerate an object's entropy. Currently, it takes 30 minutes to disintegrate a human-sized object, but something like a gun would only need 1 minute of uninterrupted contact. If a portion of an object is destroyed, it's as if it never existed. This means wounds on a person would be completely closed and scar-free, but would never regrow back to their original form. [b]Tentacles:[/b] Derrick can summon up to six tentacles on his back, each with a reach of 5 feet. The tentacles are twice his own strength. Can be used as an extra set of limbs and can stick to other surfaces. They have enhanced healing, regenerating completely within an hour. They are dark purple and are featureless. It hurts to create them, but can be kept out indefinitely. [b]Attitude:[/b] Derrick cares about one thing: The rules. He follows orders to the letter and shows no mercy when it comes to punishment. Derrick has actually been like this his entire life and he voluntarily joined as a part of the guards. He holds no respect for those who disobey the rules. Derrick is always itching to deal out punishment, and he desires the praise of the other guards. He does not discriminate when it comes to punishment. His goal is to make sure that everything runs smoothly. [b]Class:[/b] Corrupted. [/hider] If the powers are too OP, please tell me what to change.